Welcome to my blog. I'm just a regular person that enjoys reading. I participate in multiple online bookclubs as well as monthly and yearly reading challenges. I love discussing the books that I've read, and plan on reading. Although I'll post my book reviews from various genre's, most will be from romance sub-genre's such paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, and romantic suspense; in addition to urban fantasy.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Time for Space Dragons to Create Stories in Land, Sea and SkyA Time for Space Dragons to Create Stories in Land, Sea and Sky by L'Poni Baldwin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed it. Granted, this is outside of my reading comfort zone, but once I got used to the writing, I enjoyed this collection. Some of the song/ poems had an epic feel to them, and I love reading things like that. I especially like the inclusion of the writers inspiration at the end of the song/ poems. I'd recommend this to someone who's open-minded, and looking for something new and different. Every now and again something comes along at the right time, and this was just what I needed right now.

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fire Baptized (Santeria Habitat, #1)Fire Baptized by Kenya Wright

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really like the world building in Fire Baptized. In addition to the supernatural beings being forced to live in caged city away from humans, there was a murder mystery, and a love triangle. The heroine Lanore was a nice change of pace for me. She was put into some situations right from the very beginning and had enough sense to be afraid, but would also do what she had to do to defend herself- the balance was so refreshing! She was definitely interesting enough that I'd like to see how things play out in the rest of the series. The other characters were interesting enough too, and I expect to see them grow as the series progresses. One thing though, I was able to predict who the killer was very early on before the author start giving up the information. Overall, very well written, and I'm so glad that Lanore had locs!

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What the Earl Desires (Rakes and Rogues, #1)What the Earl Desires by Aliyah Burke

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Loved it! There definitely needs to be more historical romance novels written like this. I was staying away from historical romance due to the lack of people of color, lack of variety in heroines- always the genteel sort, but reading this has me craving more books within the historical romance sub-genre. I'll just be looking to read novels with more interesting couples.

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The Throwaway YearThe Throwaway Year by Pepper Pace

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was an amazing read! There were moments where I identified with Hayden- the way she felt about herself, her relationships, interaction with her best friend, and the things she felt she needed to do to get right with herself. I loved reading about her transforming herself from the beginning to the end, not only mentally, but physically. I also enjoyed reading the positive affirmations written throughout the book. Reading this has left me feeling great!!

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

JuicyJuicy by Pepper Pace

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

**Spoiler Alert**


*I'm not really sure what to say. I enjoyed Juicy and Troy's separate back stories, but I didn't like the way they came to be couple, and just didn't feel the chemistry between them. I liked the way Pace went into Troy's mental illness, and life as a homeless person- that had me rooting for Troy to get a happy ending. I liked the way Pace went into Juicy's relationship with her mother and her mothers racism, and how it led to Juicy disliking a race of people for no reason other than her being raised that way- isn't that true for a lot of people? There were a few major issues that I had with this novel overall- one being Juicy's medical treatment at the county hospital. As a nurse, I don't doubt that persons presumed to be without resources to pay for hospital care can be treated poorly, or receive the bare minimum treatment, but c'mon! She was discharged not even a full 24 hours after waking up from a 3 day coma, and having a hole drilled into her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain following a head injury- whatever! Another issue I had with Troy's character was that although he was homeless, he had a large amount of money in a trust, was getting a social security check- but instead chose to live on the street. I know that his character is mentally ill, and makes decisions from a different perspective than most, but it was just too convenient that he had the money, and Juicy needed the money to open her own hair salon. I like things to work out, but the convenience was a bit much for me.

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