Juicy by Pepper Pace
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
**Spoiler Alert**
*I'm not really sure what to say. I enjoyed Juicy and Troy's separate back stories, but I didn't like the way they came to be couple, and just didn't feel the chemistry between them. I liked the way Pace went into Troy's mental illness, and life as a homeless person- that had me rooting for Troy to get a happy ending. I liked the way Pace went into Juicy's relationship with her mother and her mothers racism, and how it led to Juicy disliking a race of people for no reason other than her being raised that way- isn't that true for a lot of people? There were a few major issues that I had with this novel overall- one being Juicy's medical treatment at the county hospital. As a nurse, I don't doubt that persons presumed to be without resources to pay for hospital care can be treated poorly, or receive the bare minimum treatment, but c'mon! She was discharged not even a full 24 hours after waking up from a 3 day coma, and having a hole drilled into her skull to relieve the pressure on her brain following a head injury- whatever! Another issue I had with Troy's character was that although he was homeless, he had a large amount of money in a trust, was getting a social security check- but instead chose to live on the street. I know that his character is mentally ill, and makes decisions from a different perspective than most, but it was just too convenient that he had the money, and Juicy needed the money to open her own hair salon. I like things to work out, but the convenience was a bit much for me.
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