Welcome to my blog. I'm just a regular person that enjoys reading. I participate in multiple online bookclubs as well as monthly and yearly reading challenges. I love discussing the books that I've read, and plan on reading. Although I'll post my book reviews from various genre's, most will be from romance sub-genre's such paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, and romantic suspense; in addition to urban fantasy.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sugar DaddySugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was such a good book, that I don't even know where to begin! First off, Liberty Jones is the most refreshing heroine that I've read about is a very long time. We get introduced to her as a child. Her story from childhood to adulthood is told in depth; readers get to know what makes Liberty Liberty. From her struggles, to her losses, to her sacrifices, you can't help but feel invested in Liberty, and root for her. In fact, I felt invested in all of the characters introduced in Sugar Daddy- from Marva and Mr. Ferguson, to the entire Travis family. There were times reading this when I just laughed out loud, and a few times when I just felt like crying. Near the end, I was on the edge of my seat wondering if I would get the ending that I was hoping for, and I'm so happy with how well the story ended. I'm definitely looking forward to reading Blue Eyed Devil. I know I've said this about other books, but Sugar Daddy really should be made into a movie. Honestly, this is the best book I've read so far for 2011!

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