Welcome to my blog. I'm just a regular person that enjoys reading. I participate in multiple online bookclubs as well as monthly and yearly reading challenges. I love discussing the books that I've read, and plan on reading. Although I'll post my book reviews from various genre's, most will be from romance sub-genre's such paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, and romantic suspense; in addition to urban fantasy.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Endurance (Stardoc, #3)Endurance by S.L. Viehl
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I didn't care for this book, as much as the first two books in the series, but still found it to be an enjoyable read overall. For me, it just pales in comparison to the first two books in the series. That said, I'll definitely continue reading the Stardoc series, and would definitely recommend it to fans of sci-fi/ futuristic romance series.

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