Welcome to my blog. I'm just a regular person that enjoys reading. I participate in multiple online bookclubs as well as monthly and yearly reading challenges. I love discussing the books that I've read, and plan on reading. Although I'll post my book reviews from various genre's, most will be from romance sub-genre's such paranormal romance, sci-fi romance, and romantic suspense; in addition to urban fantasy.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Black Ice (Ice #1) by Anne Stuart

I finished reading this one, and I loved it! I'd even like to see Black Ice turned into a movie. At first I was thinking that Bastien was a real a$$hole, and that there wasn't ANYTHING he could do to redeem himself. But then things kept happening, and then we get a glimpse into his background, including his childhood, so it was easier to accept him, and appreciate him for being the flawed, dangerously bad ass hero he was as the story progressed. There were some major twists just when I thought I knew what was happening; and I love it when that happens! I was pleasantly surpirsed with some events that had taken place near the end. The hero in Cold As Ice (Ice #2) is Peter Jensen, one the operatives in Black Ice. My curiosity about Peter's character was certainly peaked near the end of this book. I'm definitely moving forward with Anne Stuart's Ice series!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Another Black Ice fan! I LOVE Bastien even though he had jerkish tendencies lol. As an anti-hero, he completely rocked it though!

    I need to re-read this one possibly in audio. It's one of my faves. :-)

    Looking forward to seeing what you think of Cold as Ice!
